Saturday, September 15, 2007

my everyday things

Monday to Friday:
- get up at 4.45 (yesh, 4.45) AM just so i can prepare myself longer! :D
- berangkat jam 6.00 AM
- arrived in the office around 7.20 - 8.30 AM
- turn on PC
- changed my shoes into slippers
- turn on YM (with status that keeps changing depends on my mood)
- Outlook
- check email, FS, blogging
- to pantry with Rino to make some hot tea, fill my teapot with warm (hot) mineral water
- working sambil sarapan
- hungry and grab some snacks around 10.00 - 10.30 AM
- lunch time
- to Hero with Rino and Mba Nita
- hungry (again!) around 2.00 - 3.00 PM
- ngemil sambil ngobrol2 ma Rino & Mba Nita
- with so many times (too many times!!) going to the bathroom buwat PIPIS while in the office
- going home at 5.00 PM (in this office, jaraaaaaaaaang bangged pulang late.. beda bangged sm waktu di Citi)
- sometimes meet my friends first to avoid that pathetic traffic jam or just straightly went home and arrived at 8.00 PM dengan sumpah serapah menghadapi macetnya jalanan
- take a shower or just wash my face, hand, foot when i feel soooo lazy to take a shower :D
- watching TV with Mom, Papa, adik2, dan tertidur ditempat nonton TV yg terkadang dibiarkan tidur disitu as per my request karna males pindah ke kamar. hehehe..

- get up maximal at 8.00 AM!! (damn, i need more time to sleep but my head wont let me!)
- minum air putih, pipis, sikat gigi
- nonton TV (can't get my eyes off that cable TV)
- maksi sekeluarga setelah dimasakin mamahkyu
- balik lagi ke depan TV dan sedikit bertengkar ma bokap gara2 rebutan nonton (yg turns out lebih sering dia ngalah dr pada gue, hihihi..) sambil ngemil donk
- mandi sore
- siap2 mau ketemuan temen2 dan TP2 *halah*

- bangun around 7.30 AM (as you know, it's hard for me to get up late since my mind set is always get up early)
- to the church
- back to my favourite thing on weekend, cable TV! hahahah.. (tapi kali ini tontonannya lebih bisa bareng ma bokap, jd berantemnya jarang)
- maksi bareng2 keluarga lagih
- ngemil2
- malemnya biasanya udah tontonan bokap karna dia demen bangged acara2 di Metro kalo udah malem


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