Monday, August 25, 2008

Kesel mode on

just want to get to Tebet from my office in Cilandak, makes me wanna aarrrgggghhhhhh...!

nungguin bis yang ngga kunjung tiba, sejam!! sepertinya emang lagi mogok ato gimana.. then i decided to took a cab. the driver were sooooooooooo, what do you called it, stupid? he was so lame! he barely can't drive well, he took a way that is put us stuck on the traffic in Kemang area. pokoknya sepanjang jalan, bawaannya menggerutuuuuu terus. aahahhahahak.. si Pacar sabar bener dah ngadepin aku yg kaya gitu *aylapyu Bang*..

dan sekarang, tinggal nunggu ditraktir Tulang Alex, yiippiiiieeeee!


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