Monday, January 26, 2009

Long weekend pertama di 2009

one word, MENYENANGKAN!!

start on Friday, me and Pacar went to watch Burn After Reading. oh no, this film is not menyenangkan at all.. what, meaningless i may say? setelah setengah jam filmnya mulai, i was like, what the hell? akhirnya setengah jam berikutnya akyu tertidur aja deh dilengannya si Pacar, hihaihiahiaha..

on Saturday, again, me and Pacar went to my Nceh's wedding together with my girls (minus Widi),at Bellarosa. oh we, especially me, love the place so much!!

the three of us with Arie and Dewi.

this is the best pic with the bride & groom we can have since lots of annoying people waiting in the line.

minus Widi, mengelus-elus Gadis's baby bump.

on Sunday, had luncheon with the girls at Takigawa-Senci. it's Gadis and Widi's turn to treat us. lamaaaaa pisan akhirnya kejadian, hihihi.. ulang tahunnya kapan, nraktirnya kapan :D and as always, we had so much fun!! kalo si cowo-cowo lagi menyingkir untuk ngerokok, it's our time untuk girls talk. semuaaaaaaaa diceritain.. dari yang wajar, sampe yang wajar! hihiihih.. they are the best girls i ever have :) we know everything about each other (sampe yang kecil-kecilnya).

the boys minus Christy.

Pacarku yang lahap (yang setelah kenyang menyantap makanannya teteup emang jd tempat sampah akyu :D).

my trully best friends!! :)

and at nite, i went to Anti & Emil's wedding at Balai Sudirman with Bonbins. Pacar can't go with me since he had to meet his brother.

after from the wedding, we continued the fun at Starbucks-TIS. sempet ada kejadian yang bikin parno, Yasa (lagi-lagi) kehilangan kunci! yang appearantly setelah muter sana-sini, ada di tukang jaga parkiran TIS karna ternyata Yasa lupa ngambil kunci itu. lega dan seneng liat masih ada orang jujur kaya mereka :)

today, will have a family luncheon :) will talk about it later, hihihi..


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