Sunday, March 22, 2009

Home alone.

enjoying my last day of weekend. prepare myself for another busy days with sleeping the entire afternoon in front of tv while watching everything i could watch, of course :D

Mom and Pap is having their arisan or something. Sist' is pacaran. so there, i'm alone at home.

just earlier i called my parents to come home soon, because it's almost 7, and let's bet i will freak out if i'm still alone for the next hours or two, hehehe..

i was just finish watched re-run American Idol. after the great performance from Anoop Desai, he finally safe this week, horaay! i love how he have that self confidence, it look a bit cocky but it's not. and since i don't really like Alexis (forgot her last name), and she was sooo failed to impress the judges, i'm so glad she's going home.

i have a great weekend! i bet you guys too ;)

my Friday nite went veryyy well ;) remember i told you that Pacar asked to nye-tarbacks that nite? i just knew the reason that because he knew that i was sleepy the entire afternoon, and since we just had a little fight earlier (kan baru dibilang kalo aku lagi sering bikin Pacar kesel :P), it's his way to ngajak baikan *padahal gue yang bikin sebel* :) how sweet! but since i wasn't craving for one at that time, so we enjoyed our baikan time at Soho. i just love how we can always have and spend our quality time.

and on Saturday, we finally went to PIM. oh, how i missed that place! for three weeks, i didn't "visited" that place, hehehehe.. we were about to watched Kambing Jantan and Confessions of a Shopaholic in a row. but we finally decided to watched the first one. and it's so-so, in fact it's disappointing according to Pacar's opinion. i loveeeeee Raditya's books, it's hilarious, but i gotta tell you, the movie's just not as good as his books.

after had our dinner at foodcourt because i was craving for Chicken crunchy-nya Goiza, we decided to do the karaoke afterward! hahahah.. karna sempet binung tadinya mau ngapain lagi. ke Inul Melawai-lah tujuan kita setelah di beberapa tempat penuh! si Pacar lucu bangged pas nyanyi I Don't Wanna Talk About It by Rod Stewart! he tried so hard buat niru suaranya, hhihii.. i even recorded it :D

pas kita mau pulang, ketemu Acid dan teman-temannya. she looks more beautiful after broke up with that self-oriented-man-in-the-entire-world, hihihi.. bener lho Cid, kita kira salah satu cowo itu adalah gebetan baru lo?! hiaiahaiha, ditimpuk beneran nih kita sama Acid ngomong gitu lagi disini :P

on Sunday, which is today, me and Pacar had our kebaktian at church at 10.00. after that went to one of my Tarki's friend wedding at Masjid Pd. Indah together with my girls. foto-fotonya nyusul, di kamera Gadis soalnya.

and this is my outfit for the wedding:

dress: (another) flea market :D
shoes: Ananas
small bag/clutch: Roxy

now, here i am. 6.33pm. alone. while Pacar's taking his Mom to their besan's house to meet her cute grand daughter, Callysta. and miss him already :')

oh well, mau terusin nonton lagi yaaaaaa!!



Astrid Achied said...

KAMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.....nakalllllll...timpukk beneran lohhh!!! aku ndaa cukaa'naa ama cowoo2 bangettt'naaa...huuhuhuuuuuuu!!!!

Anonymous said...

hihihihhihi.. ngga ko tayaaaaang. masa selera lo turun siiiiiih? ngga mungkin kaaaan? heheheheh.. *cups*