Tuesday, April 21, 2009

(Masih) Emotional.

pagi ini gue lewatin dengan kesal kesal kesal terhadap boss #2 dan teman gue yang kerjaannya masih pagi udah asking too much questions like i know everything about anything in this damn world and she's whining all the way!!!

padahal tadi malem gue juga kesel banget on the way ke kantor Tagor karna udah macet dari depan Ratu Plaza sampe pecahan yang mau ke Semanggi dan Casblanc. turns out, ngga ada apa-apa yang bikin macet (hellooow, Jkt gituuuu)!!!!!!!!

tapi gitu ketemu Tagor, he can really really really make me smile again :) we talked many thingys and he always tease me with his way that is sooooo sweet (biarpun awalnya masih gengsi buat senyum dan especially ketawa)!!

and i woke up this morning with a giant smile on my face karna masih senang teringat semalem.

nyampe kantor, it only lasts couple of hours, thanks to my boss #2 and my friend!!!


sowwy, kalo at the end, gue yang whining!!!


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