Friday, August 21, 2009

Yada, yada, yada..

lama-lama, sebel juga ya ngga bisa nulis tiap hari gini? though maybe none read it, but hey, i need this blog! i need to menumpahkan cerita-cerita ngga penting gue! hihihihi..

anywho, mulai dari mana ya? oh iya, last long weekend spent it with Tagor, of course! setelah akhirnya dia tiba ke Jakarta dengan selamat hari Jumat pagi, malemnya had a little chit-chat.

normal, ordinary yet loving it weekend!! PIM (horrreee!), G.I. Joe (and very thrilled with the movie!! loved it aylot!!), Merantau (Indonesian movie, and apparently, my dear girlfriend Intan (iya, Intan yang suka gue ceritain disini juga, yang gokil abweesss itu) is one of the team. she's their personal assistant, merangkap semuanya, hihihihi.. filmnya bagus, baru kali ini nonton film action Indonesia that is look so real.. but kinda bored, and we were not expected jagoannya mati at the end (eh, gue spoiler ya? maab :D)), lari pagi hari Seninnya karna libur 17-an..

yeah, sekilas our lovely weekend, hihihihi..

eh iya, yesterday, exactly sebulan di Prudent. dan selama 3 bulan ini, akan ada review dari atasan. eeehh, i got grade 4 out of 1-5! yang artinya, exceed expectations. i was relief and happy. puji Tuhan, kerja gue disitu bisa diterima dengan baik oleh pak boss, hehehehe.. semoga gue selalu bisa mempertahankan nilainya yaa..

so far, am enjoying working there, that's why gue lega banget waktu penilaiannya lebih dari apa yang gue harapkan. the company itself really know how to pleased the employee. kaya Rabu lalu, we got any beverages free from Starbucks! how coll was that? trus waktu 17-an, pake dress code merah-putih then ada beberapa pertandingan seru.. well, semoga kebetahan gue disitu, bisa bertahan lama yaaa (lulus probation aja dulu, Dum! hihihihi).

oh iyaaaaa, malem ini, in about half an hour, i will meet the family of Tagor. udah biasa sih ketemuan in a casual way, gereja bareng Mamahnya hampir tiap Minggu. kali ini ngga biasa, karna pertemuan ini akan menjadi sedikit "bincang-bincang santai mengenai rencana kita". you know what i mean, rite? hhuhhuuh, i am freakin' nervous from this morning! yet, i am excited to meet the nice family :)

oh well, gotta go! boyfriend is waiting at his office, and off we go to the meeting point.

wish me luck!! :D



Astrid Achied said...

duma...kamu mau married ya taun depan..ehehe..kapan..aku jd bisa nyiapin baju..hahahaha

dumski said...

doain ya acid sayaaang :)
once it confirmed, pasti ay kasih tau *wink*