Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Quick updates


just quick updates before off for Wednesday Date *lovestruck*:
- dp gedung pesta adat batak, check! Gorga-2 it is :)
- and the pemberkatan and pesta batak would be at 9 April :) exactly, on my birth-day, yaayyy!!
- we'll have separate reception on the next day. but, won't spill it out here for now, yet, hehe.. masih dalam rangka meramu dan meracik supaya jadi sesuatu yang mengesankan and unforgettable, at least for both of us, and for the families :)
- both family so far have a good communication, and we'll always trying to keep that way :) love our family so much!
- we're soooooooooo much in love!!
- last but not least, selalu berdoa semoga Tuhan memberkati rencana dan apapun yang kami lakukan.. AMIN! :)


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