Friday, December 11, 2009

While waiting..

Yes, i'm at Ambasador now, waiting for my new glass to be done. I have to wear it everyday now, because i always got headache if i don't.

Can you believe that my silinder are getting bigger? Both eyes!! Itu karna gue males make kacamata katanya. Well, iya sih.. Punya, tp teronggok dgn manisnya tiap hari, hehe..

Mungkin karna udah terlalu old school kali (reason reason reason) :D Makanya beli baru dan mudah2an makin semangat sekarang makenya.

Btw, i got my brokat for our big day, yay!! We (me, tagor, our Mommies) went to Passer Baroe again last Saturday to find ones. Thank God we made it, hihi..

Oh iya, has anyone of you watched Old Dogs? You have to see it then. We were laughing our as* off watching it, sampe pegel perutnya, hihi..

Anyway, our weekend plan, ga jauh2 dr menghadiri kawinan. Mudah2an besok sempet nonton Zombieland deh, hehe..

Alrighty, gotta check on the glass while waiting for Tagor to pick me up (kesian dia, beberapa hari ini batuknya parah bgt, belum sembuh2 udah dihajar obat batuk dan teh/air putih anget :( cepet sembuh, Sayangku).

Have a great weekend, people! :)


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