Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Waiting for 5.30PM.

i kinda bored today. nothing to do, bosses are meeting on the plant with the big boss. so i'll just bloghooping on one to another fashion blogs. again. hihihi..

hari ini juga biasa-biasa aja di kantor, nothing special. paling udah mulai ribet ngurus sana-sini buat Fun Day yang rencananya bakal dilangsungkan bulan Juli. yang seru cuman chat setiap hari with my girls. conference with them everyday, laugh together thru conference room, talking about anyyyyyyything are so much fun!! it can really made my day.. i think, that's one reason why we still this close up til now :)

oh iya! kemaren malem selagi nunggu Abang Ganteng lembur sebentar, i stopped at Plangi, the nearest place from his office *ok, itu info yang kurang penting sih sebenernya :P*. as we all know, Moonflower scent from Body Shop are no longer produce. udah lama sih.. dan gue sempet menggerutu waktu produk itu di discontinue, karna dulu emang my signature smell was that body spray/EDT, because am soooo loveeeee the smell..

trus trus lagi liat-liat di gerai Body Shop Centro, gue liat ada perfume oil Moonflower tinggal satu-satunya. langsung gitu selesai makan sama Tagor, balik ke Centro sambil berdoa itu perfume oil masih ada, nyari, masih adaaaaaa!! yaaayy!! langsung deh beli, hihihihi..

and today, am using it :) tapi harus irit-irit, karna pasti bakal susah lagi nyarinya, hauhahaha..


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