Thursday, September 11, 2008


aahhh, after been busy like hell these couple of days, i finally could laid back a bit ;)

ada hal yang sangat-sangat mengganggu gue lately.

every company has their own OB and/or messenger. so does my office. back when we were still in Barito, we have 3 OBs for the 3rd floor & 2 OBs and 1 messenger for the 2nd floor (which where my division were stayed). and i always give my big respect to them. and that's why, thanks God, they like me, ehehehhe.. i could ask any help from them without them need to complaining ;)

but everything's a bit change since in Cilandak.
messenger udah ngga ada lagi. dia sekarang ditugaskan jadi OB dilantai 10 bareng sama satu lagi yang waktu di Barito ada di lt. 3. let's call them Pak Bandi (used to in 2nd fl) and Pak Daud (used to in 3rd fl). their job is to taking care of dinning room in 10th floor.

and yeah, we all know what OB job is, rite? naahhhhhhh, what bothers me aylot lately adalah (karna udah gue perhatiin terus), kenapa yang selalu kerja itu Pak Daud yah? kemana si Pak Bandi?

Pak Daud itu selalu standby di dinning room pada saat jam makan siang. beres-beresin piring, nyuciin piring, kesana-kemari ngambilin piring kotor, disuruh ngangket-ngangketin barang, dan macem-macem kerjaan OB lainnya. gue sedih bangged ngeliatnya. i'm sure he's freakin tired, tapi ngga sekalipun dia berusaha ngeluh ato komplain! bener deh. gue sering bilang "Pak, istirahat dululah. ngga papa itu piring didiemin sebentar". dan dia cuman selalu bilang "ngga papa Mba, tanggung" sambil tersenyum tulus.

and what do Pak Bandi dooooooooooooooooo?

TIDURRRRRRRRR!! *mending kalo tidurnya ditempat tersembunyi, ini tidurnya bener-bener di dinning room while Pak Daud lagi kerja!!!* atau jalan-jalan ke lantai 9, bikin kopi, ngobrol-ngobrol sama Satpam, dan macem-macem kerjaan pemalas lainnya lakukan.

i definitely lost my respect on him!! so what? because he's senior in this company (he's been yearsssssssss dedicate his life for this company) and he can do whatever he wants???? it has nothing to do with that! kerja ya kerja, as what your job descriptions is!!! that's it! period! no other reasons!!

i need to talk to someone who's really in charge about this matter!!


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